How does coaching work?
As your coach I’m your guide on your journey of exploration. You know where you want to be but you‘re not so familiar with the routes you need to get there. My role is to support you to explore the options and opportunities, and reach clarity about the steps you need to take.
I work alongside you, enabling you to identify any pitfalls as well as the values, resources and motivation you need to reach your destination. Coaching is robust and sometimes challenging, but as your coach I am always dedicated to you getting the very best from yourself, and I use a mixture of warmth and humour to support the process.
Who will benefit from coaching?
Coaching is for people who want to get the very best out of themselves. It’s for anyone who wants to strategically up their game, determine the next stage of their career or resolve dilemmas affecting their personal life. Coaching is ideal for people who are normally too busy to look at the wider picture, and provides an opportunity to get clarity on aspects of a situation that haven’t been apparent before.
What’s the role of my communication skills?
Great communication is at the heart of so many successful outcomes. Some of my clients like to access the skills and knowledge I have acquired as an experienced communications trainer and consultant. These will always be presented as an ‘offering’ – a toolkit which you can dip into, to choose what is most helpful and appropriate for you.